Exotic Tiki Island Podcast with Tiki Brian – Show 4
A ride down the Rivers of Adventure
Originally published February 5, 2012
Aloha and welcome to another episode of the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast. I’m your host Tiki Brian. Welcome to show 4. Prepare yourselves once again, to travel back in time to the Island as I share more Vintage Hawaiian, Exotica and island related music from my personal LP collection. In this show, we will be visiting the Main Beach, The “Enchanted Falls” where the mermaids live and then we’ll take a 2 week boat ride down the “Rivers of Adventure” with a special guest host as your skipper. And as usual, there be some surprises along the way.
- Lost in Meditation – Lex Baxter
- Bali Ha’l – George Cates’
- Pacific Punch – The Walikikis
- Lahaina Luna – New Hawaiian Band Trade Winds – Bing Crosby
- Follow Me (1969 Surfing Film Trailer)
- Fruit lslands Cereal Commercial
- Hawailan Waterfall / Aloha To You -George Liberace
- Legend of the Caves – Wailua River
- Hula Blues -The Longiness Symphonette Society
- Hawaian Village – The lslanders
- Mermaid Song- Let’s Pretend: The Little Mermaid
- Lahaina Luna – New Hawaiian Band (Yes, your right, I did just play this song
- Dlsney’s Jungle Cruise ride (part 1)
- Jungle Flower – Martin Denny
- Disney’s Jungle Cruise ride (part 2)
- Kalua – Martin Denny
- Disney’s Jungle Cruise ride (part 3)
- Jungle River Boat – Matin Denny
- Disney’s Jungle Cruise ride (part 4)
- Manila – Martin Denny
- Disney’s Jungle Cruise ride (part 5)
- Llama Serenade- Martin Denny
- Disney’s Jungle Cruise ride (part 6)
- Stardust-Martin Denny
- Disney’s Jungle Crulse ride (part 7)
- Akaka Falls
- Disneys Jungle Cruise ride (part 8)
- Pantan-Les Baxter
- Disney’s Jungle Crulse ride (part 9)
- Bustin The Bongos – Les Baxter
- Disney’s Jungle Cruise ride (part 10)
- Yahine Anamite – The Polyneslans
Aloha and welcome to another episode of the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast. I’m your host, Tiki Brian. Prepare yourselves once again to travel back in time to the island as I share more vintage Hawaiian, exotica and island-related music from my personal LP collection.
In this show, we’ll be visiting the main beach, the enchanted falls where the mermaids live, and then we’ll take a two-week boat ride down the rivers of adventure with a special guest host as your skipper. And as usual, there’ll be some surprises along the way. Again, I want to say thank you to all of you who have visited my website and left comments and feedback about the previous shows.
I’ve made lots of new friends and I look forward to meeting more of you, so don’t be shy, stop on my website and say aloha. It’s easy to find, just Google Tiki Brian.
And now, without further delay, let’s start our journey back in time. Grab your Tiki shirts, hula skirts, and Tiki drinks, and let’s head off to Exotic Tiki Island.
Welcome to the main beach on Exotic Tiki Island. And now, the scene changes, and let’s picture ourselves in the soft Hawaiian night, under a blanket of blue sky with a million stars sparkling high, with the waves nice and drowsy on the beach, and a dreamy Hawaiian song that’s just right for it.
They call these islands where we are out here in the Blue Pacific, the Trade Wind Islands. Gentle breezes and a trade direction. That’s what the old mariners call a steady constant breeze, a trade, because of its constant direction.
Here’s a great song about these trade winds by the great Bing Crosby.
The Exotic Tiki Island Podcast will return after these important messages. Follow me into the bold, beautiful, stoked world of today. Follow me takes a trio of fun in the sun ambassadors on a frantic, fabulous, fantastic search for the world’s best surfing action.
Follow me on an adventure trip around the world. Climax by the biggest surf ever filmed in Hawaii, at Waimea, at Sunset Beach, and pipelines. Follow me.
Fruit Island has real apple bits on every island and with cherry, orange, and lemon taste. To please King Ayamayama. Oh, mighty king.
Fruit Island’s brand cereal is part of this complete breakfast.
The Enchanted Falls has always been a very popular place to visit on the island. It’s very secluded and hard to find if you don’t know your way. But once you enter this hidden paradise, you will be rewarded with a view that is second to none.
It’s cascading crystal waterfalls, lush green tropical surroundings make it the perfect setting to attract… mermaids. That’s right, I said mermaids.
Legend has it from time to time, these wonderful creatures have been found lounging on the rocks below the falls. Why don’t we journey up to the Enchanted Falls and see if we’re lucky enough to see one? Let’s go!
Now, here we can see two caves. One of these caves here is called Waikapalai, and the other Waikanaloa. One day, there was a man was going to KA.
And this man here thought of going up to Waikapalai to see this cave. When he saw two girls, one of them was coming the other’s here. They were singing, their songs were beautiful.
And when this man saw this, he got so excited, he ran home and told all his friends and people. They all came to see, but they were no longer there. He was embarrassed, and he waited days and days until one day he saw that these two girls were going back into this little place, Waikanaloa.
He followed them and saw them going to this cave and ran home. He ran home and told all his friends what had happened. They all came and one group went on the top and one below.
They watched, and sure enough, they saw these two girls transform themselves into mermaids. Those that saw them at Waikanaloa said, if the gods want them to be that way, let’s let them be that way. From that time on, Waikapala and Waikanaloa was known as the place of the mermaids.
The Enchanted Falls is just up ahead. Let’s be very quiet and move in closer and see if we can spot a mermaid. Stay close and low.
They are very shy.
Let’s get a little closer. I see one. She’s right there on the rock, taking in the sun.
I think she’s singing. Let’s listen.
Home . Why don’t we rest here for a bit and enjoy this wonderful view of the Enchanted Falls as we listen to some enchanted music?
Thanks for watching! A distant I hope you enjoyed The Enchanted Falls as much as I did. We will definitely return here for another visit soon.
Let’s make our way back to the main beach, but instead of walking back, why don’t we take a relaxing boat ride to the main beach? I’ll be honest, it’s a long ride, but I think you’re really gonna enjoy it. Let’s hop aboard and find a seat.
I think I’ll take a break as well and turn things over to our boat skipper and tour guide as he takes us on a long voyage down the Rivers of Adventure. Enjoy the ride, everyone.
Welcome aboard the Jungle Cruise. I’ll be your skipper and guide down the Rivers of Adventure. You know, we always turn and take a last good look at the dock and wave goodbye because we may never see it again.
Now, as we leave the last outpost of civilization, we enter the mouth of the Irawati River of Burma, where rare plants and lush vegetation grow in abundance. The dragon blood trees of the area actually bleed red when cut. The ever fresh orchids need no soil.
They get their nourishment from the moisture in the air. Speaking of moisture, we’re passing through a tropical rainforest. We often see exotic birds and huge colorful butterflies or a couple of mean looking crocodiles.
Thanks We’re now turning into the crocodile-infested Mekong River of Asia. Well, there’s old Smiley, the granddaddy of them all. You’ll have to keep your hands inside the boat, you see.
He’s always looking for a handout.
Up ahead are the ruins of a centuries old Cambodian shrine. It was almost totally destroyed by a devastating earthquake hundreds of years ago. Only the monkey god remains, guarded by those beady-eyed crocodiles and that giant jungle spider.
Through an old archway, we enter the sunken ruins of an ancient lost city. Now, python-like banyans grip this great stone face in a living vice.
The elephant god Ganesha guards the entrance to the enchanted bathing pool of elephants. The natives of the jungle say that whole herds of playful Indian elephants migrate here to bathe. Watch out for some wet surprises from those big shots, and the little ones too, they’re playful little squirts.
You know, these sacred bathing rites are seldom seen by civilized men.
We journey deep into the interior, where ferocious wildlife roam. Uh-oh, uh-oh. It looks like one of the larger elephants wanted to bathe all by himself, and he doesn’t like being disturbed.
Hey, he’s trying to give us a bath. Oh, that was close. If you’re on the rail, you better look out.
He might do it again. Oh, well, maybe he figured we didn’t need a bath. This tall grass means big game country.
We must be on the lookout. The wild animals come down to the river to drink. Oh, there’s a family of rhinos, a mama rhino and two babies.
I think we frighten the young ones, but not mama. She’s not afraid. Oh, she must weigh over two tons, and believe me, she knows how to throw her weight around.
There are other wild animals too, and beautiful vegetation. Giant bamboo trees grow 60 feet high. And some of the bushes in this area grow the berries from which the natives extract the deadly Bushman’s poison.
We’re approaching beautiful Schweitzer Falls, named after the famous Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who’s done so much for the people of Africa. I’ll try to get in just as close as I can. These falls…
I didn’t think I was going to make it. That was almost too close. Our next is the famous Nile, the longest river in the world.
Uh-oh. Look on that bank. A big bull elephant.
The enormous ears and that sloping forehead mark the African bull elephant, one of the most feared animals of the jungle. Don’t get excited now, big boy. We’re just passing through.
Waterfalls mark the entrance to the expansive grassland region of the African veldt. Because of the migratory habits of the beasts in the jungle, this area is often inhabited with gazelles, news, zebras, giraffes, and look in that tree, vultures waiting for their share. And here, dens of laughing hyenas, jackals, and packs of hungry lions feasting on one of their unsuspecting prey.
Now, this region tells the story and points up the law of the African veldt, the survival of the fittest. I understand that there’s a lost safari somewhere in this area. Oh, there they are.
Say, they look trapped. Why, that big rhino has them up a tree. The native on the bottom is sort of low man on the totem pole.
He hasn’t gotten to point yet, but he will.
Please be careful now, and don’t rock the boat. We’re entering a pool of hippopotamines. They’re big and curious, and could easily upset the boat.
I’ll try to get us through safely. Don’t worry, I understand they’re not dangerous until they wiggle their ears. Hmm, what?
They’re all wiggling their ears. Easy now, easy. Ah, I think we made it.
Hang on, a big hippo’s charging broadside. That’ll hold him. We’re now, look out, look out, another hippo.
Oh, that scared him. We are now entering head hunter country. And just beyond is a native village.
Now, let’s see if we can sneak by them.
And watch those bushes on the right. Sometimes ambushes there. There’s a war party.
These tribesmen grow to a height of seven feet or more, and they have one aim in life, and that is to get……ahead. Those two trophies on the Witch Doctor’s hut, they used to belong to two of the nicest tourists who ever took a shortcut through the jungle.
Again, we approach beautiful Schweitzer Falls, with a unique rock formation carved by the falls over the years. It’s a different view this time, from behind. Uh-oh, white water ahead, the rapids of Kilimanjaro.
Let’s keep our arms inside the boat. It’s going to be very close, very treacherous here. You see, the rocks are jagged.
Someone grab the rudder. What’s that big rock on the right? Easy.
We made it. Uh-oh, but look ahead. A giant gorilla.
And there’s another. They weigh at least 600 pounds. Why, that one must have an arm spread of over eight feet.
He might yank us right out of the boat. Watch it. Uh-oh, we’re not out of danger yet.
Look, a big crocodile. See you later, alligator.
Now, around the bend comes the most dangerous part of our journey, the return to civilization. As we approach the landing, I suggest you step off on the dock side. If you feel your feet getting wet, you’ve gone the wrong way.
Thanks for being aboard the Disneyland Jungle Cruise down the Rivers of Adventure, and visit us again soon in Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom.
Welcome back to the Main Beach. I hope you enjoyed the boat ride. I know I did.
Let’s listen to some tropical island music while we wait for our plane to arrive and fly us back home.
Our plane is here, and is ready to fly us back home. I hope you all enjoyed your visit here on Exotic Tiki Island. Be sure to come back soon for another visit to the island while I play vintage Hawaiian, exotica, and island-related music from my personal record collection.
Until next time, everyone, this is Tiki Brian and the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast. Aloha!
Aloha, it’s Tiki Brian. Why not visit my website, where you can see my entire vintage Hawaiian, Exotica and island-related music collection online. Each LP post has detailed artist information, along with track listing and extra content.
Just Google Tiki Brian and check it out.