Exotic Tiki Island Podcast with Tiki Brian – Show 36
Steel Drums and a party at the Aloha Beach
Originally published April 5, 2015
Aloha, friends, and welcome to another episode of the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast. My name is Tiki Brian, and this is show number 36. For the next hour, I’ll be taking you on an exotic paradise voyage back into yesteryear, where I’ll be playing vintage Hawaiian, exotica, and tiki music from my vinyl and digital music collection.
- Sophisticated Hula – Greg and Junko MacDonald
- Quiet Village – 10th Naval District Steelband
- My Little Grass Shack – Greg and Junko MacDonald
- The Hukilau Song – Greg and Junko MacDonald
- Summertime Dream – William Bell
- Do The Hula – Na Leo
- Fruit of Dreams – Les Baxter
- Rain In Rangoon – The Markko Polo Adventurers
- Return To Paradise – Connie Stevens
- Jungle Exotica – John William Simmons
- Beauty Hula – The Surfers
- World of Hawaii – Mokuaina Blue
- Right On – Waikiki Girls
- Down on Ami Ami Oni Oni Isle – Betty Grable
- Waikiki Serenade – The Tikiyaki Orchestra
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- Forbidden Isle – Cocktail Shakers
- Tricky Wicky Wacky Woo – Bobby Doowah
Aloha, friends, and welcome to another episode of the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast. My name is Tiki Brian, and this is show number 36. For the next hour, I’ll be taking you on an exotic paradise voyage back into yesteryear, where I’ll be playing vintage Hawaiian, exotica, and tiki music from my vinyl and digital music collection.
Get ready to transcend back to an island tropical world with swaying palm trees, cool, gentle ocean breezes and golden sandy beaches. Plus, there’ll be a few surprises along the way. So lay back in your hammock, take a sip of your favorite cocktail, relax and enjoy some musical treasures right here on the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast.
This episode of the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast is sponsored by our good friends, Hotep Nephty, creators of Tiki-themed barware, mugs, t-shirts, and limited edition Tiki-themed products. Be sure to check out their website at www.cafepress.com forward slash Hotep Nephty. And also our newest sponsor, the 1940s World War II era ball, happening at the Boulder Colorado Airport on June 13th.
Step back in time for one night and experience the 1940s. Visit their website for tickets and info by going to www.1940sball.org. You’ll learn more about our sponsors later on during this show.
Before we begin the show, I’d like to send out some big mahalos to some listeners who made a donation over the past month to help me offset the expense of keeping this podcast going. Big mahalos go out to Jim Jensen, Charlene Hall, Steve Bell, Kona Norm, and Eric with his five-year-old daughter, Chloe, who enjoys listening to the podcast. Eric asked me to send out a special mahalo to Chloe, so mahalo, Chloe, I’m very glad you’re enjoying the podcast.
And Chloe, here’s a special aloha from Captain Scotty B. Welcome aboard. Mahalo for listening to the show, and I hope you’re ready for some fun adventures on Exotic Tiki Island.
And now, friends, let’s begin our adventure. In this episode, we’ll be taking a special cruise to Exotic Tiki Island. Captain Scotty B, why don’t you tell our friends what to expect on this fantastic adventure?
Sure thing, Tiki Brian. Welcome aboard, Wahinis and Kanis, get ready for another fun adventure on Exotic Tiki Island. Today’s voyage includes a special performance by our ETI Steel Band performers.
They will be performing some Hawaiian and Exotica classics during our journey to the island. I would also like to invite you to try one of my tiki drinks for my tiki ball. I recommend the Golden Wave Cocktail.
This cocktail won first prize in 1969 International Bartenders Guild Competition, held in Spain. If you’d like to make this drink at your cocktail bar, here’s the recipe. One ounce of unsweetened pineapple juice.
Three quarter ounce of fresh lemon juice. Half ounce of triple sec. Half ounce of falernum.
One ounce of light Puerto Rican rum. Three quarter cup of crushed ice. Put everything in a blender.
Blend at high speed for five seconds. Pour unstrained into a tulip glass or any specialty glass you have. If necessary, add ice cubes to fill.
Garnish with a pineapple spear. And enjoy. Okay, does everyone have their Golden Wave cocktail?
Fine, I’ll cue the ETI Steel Band performers and we’ll begin our adventure. Wonderful, Captain. And now let’s head to exotic Tiki Island.
Okay, Tiki Brian, we have arrived at Exotic Tiki Island. Please watch your step as you disembark. Watch your step.
Please watch your step. And you, please watch your step. Welcome to the main beach on Exotic Tiki Island.
Let’s enjoy some Hawaiian musical treasures while we relax in these hammocks and take in the warm, gentle trade wind blowing in from the Pacific Ocean. My friends, you have reached paradise.
How’s everyone doing? I hope you’re enjoying the music as much as I am. What do you say we take the jungle trail down to the Aloha Beach?
The islanders have invited us to join them for another Hukilau and Luau in celebration of the island’s heritage. Once we arrive, not only will we experience the best Hawaiian food around, but we’ll also enjoy the music that reminds us of paradise. We’ll begin our adventure to the Aloha Beach right after these important messages.
The Exotic Tiki Island Podcast will return after these important messages. Attention listeners, attention listeners, this just in from the Jungle Telegraph Line. Take a trip back in time at the Boulder, Colorado airport on June 13th, 2015, as we present the seventh annual 1940s World War II era ball.
Come experience a 1940’s USO style show featuring world renowned entertainers like Frank Sinatra.
Bob Poole. How do you do ladies and gentlemen? This is Bob, that wasn’t my scotch that fell out of the plain hope.
The Andrew Sisters. Abbott and Costello. Have you got two tens for a five?
Just so happen to have it. That’s enough. And Walt Disney, plus many more.
Step into Hollywood’s World War II planes. Enjoy a night of dancing with your sweetheart. Or maybe even meet one.
You’ll experience World War II plane flybys, military vehicles and reenactors listening to the most sought after big bands under the nose of a World War II bomber. Plus, enter our hanger, made into Casablanca’s Rick’s Cafe Americana with belly dancers, Sam, Rick and even a roulette table that attendees can play on. For tickets and more info, visit the event website at www.1940sball.org.
We’ll see you at the 1940s World War II era ball.
You’re listening to Tiki Brian and the Exotic Tiki Island podcast. Welcome back. Let’s take the jungle trail to the Aloha Beach.
This way, friends.
Check it out, Tiki Brian. The Lohaw Beach is just up ahead. Yup, you’re right, Captain.
And we’re just in time because the islanders have just started their ceremony. Let’s take a seat on the beach and enjoy the celebration.
Prepare for our voyage home. Off we go to the main beach.
Aloha, everyone. I wanna take a quick break and let all of you know about our sponsor, HotepNefty. Check this out, Tiki friends.
Exclusively for ETI listeners, HotepNefty Tiki Designs, creators of Hawaiian Inspirational Coffee Mugs, Tiki shirts, jewelry, barware and other products are offering seasonal limited edition gift with purchase. Spend $25 or more and you will receive your choice of a Tiki ornament in any one of five available shapes and your choice of three designs, including We Three Tikis, Valentine Tiki or Mardi Gras Tiki. And if you spend $35 or more, you will receive your choice of a regular size coffee mug featuring We Three Tikis, Valentine Tiki or Mardi Gras Tiki.
These designs are not yet available for a public purchase, but are only available to ETI listeners with your purchase of $25 or $35. When you receive your thank you email from Hotep Nephty for your purchase, simply reply back that you are an ETI listener and let them know your gift product preference. These two offers may not be combined.
Visit their store today and take advantage of their seasonal limited edition gift with purchase promotion. Their website is www.cafepress.com forward slash Hotep Nephty. That’s H-O-T-E-P-N-E-F-T-I.
Mahalo. We should head back to the main beach and prepare for our voyage home. Off we go to the main beach.
Well, friends, sadly, it’s time to return to the present day and time. Captain Scotty B and I would like to thank you for traveling with us to the island. Okay, captain, everyone’s on board, and we’re ready to return home.
Mahalo, Tiki Brian. Okay, friends, keep your nose, toes, and elbows inside the boat until the boat comes a complete stop. Oh, and one more thing.
I’d like to invite all of you to tune in to ETI Radio. ETI Radio is a weekend-long broadcast that starts on the first Friday of each month at 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and lasts all weekend long. ETI Radio features even more rare vintage Hawaiian, Exotica, and Tiki music from my personal collection.
The best part is that it’s free to listen. Plus, we’ll be doing a live Aloha Friday happy hour broadcast from the Blue Whale Tiki Bar here on Exotic Tiki Island to kick off the weekend. So check it out if you can.
You’ll be glad you did. For more info on ETI Radio, visit ExoticTikiIsland.com and click on ETI Radio. And I’d also like to remind you that you can keep up to date with everything that’s happening on Exotic Tiki Island by connecting with us on Facebook by searching for Exotic Tiki Island Podcast on Facebook and following us over on Twitter by searching for Tiki Brian at ETI Podcast.
Well, friends, that just about wraps it up for this show. Captain Scotty B, let’s send them off. This is Captain Scotty B.
And I’m Tiki Brian. And we’ll see you soon.
Now everybody tells me just what I’m supposed to do. Work all day and stay away from tricky wicky wacky world.
Tap into that crazy beat of tricky wicky wacky world. The teacher she’s a cry head. She don’t know what to do.
Cause she can’t stop her dancing now to the tricky wicky wacky woo.