Exotic Tiki Island Podcast with Tiki Brian – Show 27

Exotic Tiki Island Podcast with Tiki Brian – Show 27

Exotic Tiki Island Podcast with Tiki Brian – Show 27

Surfing contest on the Island

Originally published June 19, 2014

Aloha and welcome to another episode of the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast. This is show number 27. Surf’s up on Exotic Tiki Island. Enjoy the show.

Show 27 - Surfing contest on the island


  1. Gardens of Mu – ‘Ixtahuele
  2. Tabu – Rae Girard
  3. Lost Lagoon – Clouseaux
  4. Aloha Week Hula – The Hawaiian Village Serenaders
  5. Lost Island – Duane Eddy
  6. Island Uprising – The Tiki Tones
  7. Jungle Boo – The Kilaueas
  8. Pie – The Pyronauts
  9. Tribal Wave – Dick Dale
  10. Walk Don’t Run – The Ventures
  11. High Tide (Tranquilizer) – The Lively Ones
  12. Banzai Washout – Jon & The Nightriders
  13. Lou Siffer – Rocky Velvet
  14. Beyond The Sea – The Aquamarines
  15. Ay Caramba! – Los Tiki Phantoms
  16. Exotica Dreams – The Mean Things
  17. Cal-Tiki – The Pyronauts
  18. Lunar Luau – The Huntington Cads
  19. Nitrous Peroxide – Sir Bald Diddley and His Wig-Outs
  20. Kon Tiki – The Mysteriums
  21. Voodoo Jam – Acapulco Radio
  22. Come to the Islands – The Hukilau Hotshots


Aloha, friends, and welcome to another episode of the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast. I’m your host, Tiki Brian, and I hope you’re ready for another fun-filled adventure back in time to Exotic Tiki Island, as I play wonderful Hawaiian, Exotica, and island-related music from my vintage vinyl and digital music collection. As I’m speaking, Captain Scotty B and his crew are preparing the boat for our adventure.

All right, men, let’s get it ready. Rob the deck, load the supplies, hoist the sails, prepare my croc. Come on, men, let’s prepare for adventure.

As we’re waiting for a few more friends to show up, I’d like to take a minute and send out some huge mahalos to some listeners who have made some donations to the podcast. Michael Meza, along with Kelly and Paul from Nashville, Tennessee, have made some very generous donations to the show. Thank you very much.

And also, big mahalos go out to Michael Tompkins and Ellen Adler for their recurring monthly donations. All of your donations are greatly appreciated. And now, on with the show.

Captain Scotty B., I believe everybody is here and ready to board the boat.

Watch your step as you board. And be sure to secure all your personal items, including your Mai Tais, zombies, hurricanes, pina coladas and any other alcoholic beverage you are drinking and prepare to cast off into the South Pacific. Tiki Brian, did you tell your Tiki friends about the sponsor of the show?

Mahalo for reminding me, Captain. Wahinis and Connies, this episode of the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast is sponsored by our friends, Ho-Tap-Fefti’s Paradise Found. They offer a wonderful selection of pin-up art barware, glassware, artwork and much more.

You can visit their website and shop all of their fine products. Just go to www.cafepress.com forward slash Ho-Tap-Fefti. That’s H-O-T-E-P-N-E-F-T-I.

Or you can click on the Enhance Podcast player window in iTunes and that will take you right to their site. You’ll hear more about Ho-Tap-Fefti’s Paradise Found later on in this episode.

Okay Tiki Brian, we’re ready to go. Everyone raise your Tiki cocktails high in the air. Let’s make a toast to adventure.

Please keep your nose, toes and elbows inside the boat until we come to a complete stop. Captain Scotty B and the crew, we all thank you.

Mahalo, Captain, a perfect docking as usual. Welcome, my heenies and connies to the main beach on Exotic Tiki Island. Our adventure begins here as we relax and listen to some wonderful Hawaiian music.

My friends, welcome to Paradise.

Tiki Bride, I just heard from the islanders that the waves over an aloha beach are perfect for surfing. Everyone is rushing over there now to see all the surfers who have entered into the first annual ETI Invitational.

That’s awesome! Friends, instead of relaxing, how about all of you like to head over to the aloha beach and see some of the finest surfing in the world? Let’s go!

The Exotic Tiki Island Podcast will be right back after this important message.

Aloha, friends. I’d like to take a minute and talk about our sponsor, Ho-Tap-Fefti’s Paradise Found. You’ve heard me mention Ho-Tap-Fefti’s Paradise Found in previous shows.

As you may know, they offer a wonderful selection of barware accessories, including glassware, cocktail plates, drink coasters, mugs, serving trays, cocktail shakers, and much more. All Paradise Found series merchandise features a Vargas-inspired beautiful pinup girl. Ho-Tap-Fefti’s Paradise Found products make a great gift for yourself or your friends.

Plus, they offer a bulk order discount and can even personalize items for you. Just contact them and let them know what you would like. I have the limited edition coffee mug in my collection and I love it.

And you will too. Visit their online store today and see for yourself all of the wonderful products Ho-Tap-Fefti’s Paradise Vowel has to offer. Their website is www.cafepress.com forward slash Ho-Tap-Fefti.

That’s H-O-T-E-P-N-E-F-T-I. Visit today, you won’t be disappointed.

You’re listening to Tiki Brian and the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast.

Friends, we have arrived at the Aloha Beach just in time to see the ETI Surfing Championship Contest. Let’s take a seat right here on the beach, make a cocktail and watch the competition. Surf’s Up on Exotic Tiki Island.

This is Bruce Brown from Sunset Beach in Hawaii. We’re here for the first annual Duke Kaanamoko Invitational Surfing Championships. Some of the world’s greatest surfers are here for this unique event.

And this is a unique event. It’s the first time a contest has been held on the north shore of the island of Oahu, which is considered by most experts to be the finest stretch of surfing beach in the world. This is really where the action is.

And today you’re going to see some spectacular action on waves that are big and scary. This is certainly no place to learn. In fact, one of the most common things you’ll see at Sunset Beach is what we call in surfing, a wipeout.

A few years ago, no one dreamed of having a surfing contest at Sunset. There just weren’t enough surfers who could handle these big waves. Now with advanced surfing techniques, there are a number of surfers who are able to handle Sunset.

And we have the 24 best here today.

This is the first heat of the competition. It’s hard to pick a favorite because any one of these surfers could easily win the championship. Here goes Bob Clutier, an unusual view of his ride from the CBS helicopter.

Look at him go. He’s riding that wave all the way in.

On the next wave, Peter Cole with Greg Noll behind him.

That surfer’s up. He’s on top.


Oh, tough break for Greg. He caught a rail when he tried to cross the wake of Peter’s board.

Peter does a real sporting thing, throws Greg’s board out of the way. That’ll save Greg a swim to the beach, which is almost a third of a mile away. The wave outside is Bob Puyer.

Right behind him, Mickey Munoz.

Fred was lucky his board didn’t go all the way in with a wave. That will save him the long swim to the beach. He’ll be able to get right back out and do some more waves.

Young Jackie Eberly looks right at home on this big wave at Sunset Beach. You’ll see them taking a lot of chances in the championship, getting as close to the curl as possible, staying as close to the whitewater as they can without actually getting trapped in the whitewater and being forced to straighten off.

Here’s Mickey Munoz with Peter Cole right behind him. We are watching the first of four preliminary heats. The surfers in each heat have an hour to catch as many waves as they can.

However, they are only judged on their best five rides. They are scored for the judgment in selecting the wave, their positioning on the wave, and their overall performance. That’s Bobby Clutier.

Bobby goes to the Church College of Hawaii and gets a lot of surfing in every day after school since the Church College is about five miles away from Sunset Beach.

Taking off outside, veteran Peter Cole. Peter is a school teacher in Hawaii, teacher school at Punahou High School. Hanging on to his board, almost getting sucked over the falls, but just slips out the back with it.

The selection of a wave is all important. In judgment, you sit outside, you wait for what you think is going to be the best wave and take off. Keep your fingers crossed that the wave is going to develop into a good wave.

Bobby doesn’t have the best wave of the heat, but he’s doing a great job with it.

Fred Hemmings again back in action. Not only is Fred a great surfer, he’s a great all around athlete. Nice turns, trying to get in that right position and rack up the points.

Beautiful recovery. Oh, too bad for Fred.

Nice recovery, won’t lose too many points for that.

What a competition! And it looks like they’re starting the tandem part. This is my personal favorite.

The tricks that a girl and a guy can do on a surfboard are amazing. Let’s continue watching.

Now, getting up on the outside is Jack Iverson, Jack with his partner Suzy Smith.

Not Young is his partner. Betty and Bob finished in fourth place a year ago, and came back determined this year in the International Championships to finish higher.

This is a great ride by Bob Moore and his partner, Betty Young. This is a ride that he originated called the Grass Shackle for 2.8, one of the higher rides in the optional tricks.

Mike Doyle and his famous wraparound, a trick that he’s known for. If he can accomplish it, 2.4 on the degree of difficulty.

That’s Pauline Luton, the partner of Mike Doyle.

As we move into the closing minutes of the Tandem Competition, two more riders up, Rabbit Kekai on the left, Pete Peterson on the right, and I don’t think we’ve ever had as close a competition in this Tandem event, Skip.

It sure is close. I’d hate to be trying to judge this one. The way it looks now, according to my figures, I would have Leroy Atchoy, Bob Moore, and perhaps Pete Peterson right in the top three.

And I think going down now to these last rides, we’re going to really see a winner emerge here.

The more there is stability, it’s 53-year-old Pete Peterson, holding Barry Algao up and the two-handed press. And look how she just completely stretched out there.

Beautiful. One of the best examples of tandem riding, I think we’ll see in a long time. Look at that dismount, the grace.

This ride that we just saw could win this event for Pete Peterson, without a doubt. One of the finest I’ve seen. Everything was perfect in that ride.

So now, as the crowd here on the beach of Makaha senses the approach of the final klaxon, outside once again is Bob Moore trying to get up.

Very nice wave they’re picking up on. You notice closely, I see she has a baton in her mouth. This is the trick that they performed to Huntington Beach last year.

She’s going to twirl the baton in a one-legged shoulder stand.

Here, threesome now, Lee Royat Choi on the left, it’s Pete Peterson in the center, and Jack Iverson on the right, all catching the same wave.

Boy, whenever we get three people or four people on a wave, I sure get nervous. I recall that incident we had here last year with four people when they all went down.

And Pete Peterson, converted handstand.

This is Leroy Atchoy. Leroy with Vivian Thomas.

This is a very nice ride for Leroy. He should be up high in the standings too.

And that’s it. The competition is over, and here’s the way they finished. According to the judges, Pete Peterson and Barry Algao have won first place.

Bob Moore and Patty Young in second place. And as you can see, Leroy Atchoy and Vivian Thomas, kind of the sentimental favorites, have come in third. So that’s it for the competition this year, and certainly some of the best that we have ever seen.

That was so cool. A surfing competition right here on Exotic Tiki Island. Hopefully, all of you enjoyed that as much as I did.

The Exotic Tiki Island Podcast will be right back after this important message.

Exotic Tiki Island Podcast is a free show that thrives off the support of its listeners. If you enjoy the show and would like to help offset the production cost, feel free to buy us a Mai Tai by making a donation to the show. Visit www.exotictikiisland.com and click on the donation button to make a donation.

Mahalo for listening and thank you for supporting the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast.

You’re listening to Tiki Brian and the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast.

Well friends, it’s getting kind of late in the day. We should head back to the main beach and prepare for your boat ride back home to the present day and time.

Friends, our time on the island has come to an end, and sadly we must say goodbye. But we’ll be back again soon with more fun adventures on Exotic Tiki Island. Oh, and a quick note.

Be sure to sign up for the ETI newsletter. It’s a free email that includes ETI show release dates, tiki drink recipes, spotlights on musical artists that are played on the show, and prize giveaways. Just go to exotictikiisland.com and enter your email address to start receiving the newsletter.

And also, Mahalo goes out to once again to our sponsor of the show, Hote Tap Nephty’s Paradise Found. Well, friends, that’s it for now. We’ll see you soon.


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